Information we hold for trading purposes
If we have traded with you in the past we have: Your name, address, telephone and fax numbers and your email address.
Information we hold for marketing purposes
If you are subscribed to our email newsletter we have: Your name and email address.
We will hold your data indefinitely unless you contact us to specifically request that your data is deleted. Please refer to our Your Rights section of this policy for instructions on how to request deletion of your data.
How we store and protect your data
All of our data is held on a secure database on our server and in paper form in a secure locked area. We will only use this information when trading with you or communicating with you via our email newsletter and we will never sell or pass on your data to a third party.
Your Rights
You have the right to access any personal information you have supplied to us. In accordance with Data Protection Act 1998, for your protection, we may ask for proof of your identity before allowing access to your personal information.
Accessing your data
You have the right to access the personal data we hold about you in accordance with this policy by phoning us on 01937 326001 or by emailing
Updating your data
You have the right to access the personal data we hold about you in accordance with this policy by phoning us on 01937 326001 or by emailing If you need us to update your record you can ask us to amend your details by phoning us on 01937 326001 or by emailing
Opting out of marketing communications
You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. You can Opt Out from marketing communications at any time by phoning us on 01937 326001 or by emailing Please include “Opt Out” in the email title and include your name and address in the email.
Data Deletion
You have the right to request your data be deleted completely. If you wish for your account to be deleted please either phone us on 01937 326001 or by email Please include “Delete My Record” in the email subject and include your name and address in the email message.
Contact Us
Please contact us by phoning 01937 326001 or by emailing if you have any questions or comments regarding this policy.